Et bien vous avez de la chance,
une partie de Manhattan (dont mon immeuble) et du Bronx vient de plonger dans le noir.
Disons dans l'obscurité, il fait pas encore nuit...
Ca va etre sympa le commute ce soir ...
Update 1:
Power utility con Edison says evaluating New-York Power outage in Upper East Side
New York Subway suffers major Outage...
Update 2:
"There's something happening on the Upper East Side. I can't tell you how big it is yet," said Bob Magee, a spokesman for Consolidated Edison Inc. (ED).
According to New York's Metropolitan Transit Authority, the affected subway lines include the 4, 5, 6, E, V and D lines.
Residents said traffic lights were out for 20 blocks on Lexington Avenue between the 60s and the 80s, while others said that the East Side subway lines weren't operating.
Con Edison couldn't say how many customers had lost power. The city was in the second day of temperatures well over 90 degrees.
WABC-TV reported scattered outages in the Bronx and on the east side of Manhattan as far south as 13th Street.
Update 3:
finalement la coupure n'a duree qu'une petite heure...
Le ventilateur marche... tout va bien!
tu as de la chance ...
Et ici la clim fonctionne ;)
ha la la, il s'en passe des choses pendant que je me fais bronzer à l'autre bout de la planète ! félicitations en retard à toi et Carinne et un bisou de ma part à la petite Alyson :-)
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